Waterfront Campus
The Candelin St. Campus is where you’ll find a modern campus integrating multipurpose education facilities with business incubation shopping and living.
The renewed rail and existing data connections create synergy in learning and business.
While the waterfront apartments will meet the needs of remote work and student living. Just a walk away from the station and the old town’s attractions the Candelin St. Campus is the heart of the Innovation Harbour.

The southern edge of the Formansalleen-district, bordering the Hanko-Hyvinkää railwayline houses mixed-use campus, business incubationa and residential services. Within easy access from Helsinki the campus features spacious facilities tailored to the requirements of teleworking in a sea-side setting.
Enjoy morning coffee on your own terrace, meetings in the city when you need to and dinner with the family on the seaside square.
As in all European metropolitan regions, Greater Helsinki area growth puts pressure on housing prices, availability and amenities.
The Candelin St. Campus recognises that this doesn’t suit everyone and that hybrid learing and work are here to stay. Sustainable mobility services are on the verge of a global breakthrough while pressures, demands and cost of larger growth centres is increasing.
These development trends inevitably reflect in regional development of regional centres offering easy access and great locations between growth centres. As regional populations grow the demand for diverse, multifunctional offering increases demand for localised services, retail, businesses and the opportunity to reconcile work, life and leisure in an attractive, sustainable location.
The seaside towns of the Finnish south coast have been growing steadliy for some time now. As demand for new locations grows, opportunities for new development open up. Our response to these trends is the Candelin St. Campus of the Ekenäs Innovation Harbour.
Our aim is for construction of the Candelin St Campus to begin within the next five years.